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Five Things to Consider When Buying Commercial Wood Doors

Due to market conditions and the closing of several manufacturers over the past several years, CDF has seen an increase in demand for pre-finished wood doors to the point that we now stock them in five colors. In addition to these ready-to-ship pre-finished doors in popular colors, we also offer ten additional specialized colors which ship in two weeks to a month, depending on the color. And if that still doesn’t offer you enough choice, we can finish doors with any Sherwin Williams stain color, so long as you give us some extra time and a modest additional setup fee.

Lead Time

CDF has doors pre-finished in five popular colors ready to ship in less than a week. But keep in mind that this isn’t an industry norm: most other companies will require a considerable lead time of several weeks for doors like this because they don’t keep them in stock. If you’re pressed for time, CDF’s quick-shipping options are a lifesaver.

Applications for Wood Doors

While wood doors are popular, they are typically only made for climate controlled environments. As one would expect, wood doors are not well suited for exterior applications like hollow metal doors would be. This is because moisture from weather will eventually penetrate the outer layer of wood, causing the inner core to swell and warp the door. You may also benefit from the added security features of metal doors for exteriors.

Saving of Time, Labor and Complications

Buying pre-finished doors can be a great timesaver. When labor cost is high, pre-finished doors are a no-brainer as the additional expense is likely negligible compared to the man-hours that would be spent finishing the door on the site. Finishing on-site also has the additional risk of error. Let’s face it: mistakes happen. And if dust winds up in the finish or other mistakes occur during the staining process, the additional time and cost of dealing with the problem will far outweigh the price of buying a pre-finished door to begin with.

Pre-Installed Hardware

Did you know you can order your doors from CDF with the hinges and other hardware already installed? This is another great way to save on time and labor costs. Just make sure you take added care when handling doors with pre-installed hardware: hinges can scratch the finish if they are stacked improperly on the job site.


CDF’s doors are finished not just on the main surface of the door, but also underneath and above. This is an important detail. Often doors finished on a jobsite only finish exposed surfaces and not the top or bottom of the door. While it may not seem important since those parts of the door aren’t visible, it can be problematic later because if the bottom of a door gets wet, it can cause swelling which then results in warped wood that rubs the ground any time the door swings open. This additional attention to detail is just one example of the benefits of using higher quality doors and hardware.

Next time you’re looking for wood doors, take advantage of CDF’s pre-finished options and enjoy unbeatable delivery speed with expert support along the way. Give us a call today!

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