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Whether you are revitalizing an existing space or finalizing designs on a new structure, every little detail matters. This includes the type of door you install in your building. Primarily, you will have the option to choose between glass or solid office doors.

While both types of doors can have their share of benefits, it is essential that you make the right decision. Installing the wrong style of door can negatively impact the work environment that you create. 

With that in mind, we have composed this guide to choosing the right door for your office. By answering the questions below, you will be able to find the perfect doors for your new space.

1.  What Type of Business Do You Run?

The type of business that you operate is perhaps the most important factor that should influence your door style. For example, more industrialized facilities may benefit from solid steel doors and Grade One locking mechanisms. On the other hand, an information technology studio might be better served by installing aesthetically pleasing glass doors.

When you’re designing your facility, be sure to plan ahead. Ask yourself, “Will this door hold up to the daily demands of my employees?” If so, then it is time to move on to the next question.

2.  What is Your Primary Goal?

Are you seeking to optimize the security of your facility? Is the primary goal to draw in new business and encourage people who are walking by to enter your building? Achieving each of these missions will require a different type of door.

If you are focused on creating an extremely secure building, solid steel doors are your best choice. These doors can last for decades with proper maintenance. They not only hold up well against the elements, but they also deter crime. The only downside is that they do not optimize the curb appeal of your facility.

Glass office doors are much more appealing. They can help you to set a great first impression with clients. As an added bonus, glass storefront doors let in plenty of natural light. If your office is located in an area with lots of foot and vehicular traffic, consider glass doors.

3.  Do You House Sensitive Materials?

As a business owner, you are responsible for protecting client data and other confidential information. In order to do this effectively, you need to choose the right doors and locking devices.

If a room houses sensitive materials, solid doors are the best choice. However, even the best doors are only as good as their locks. Equip the door with Grade One commercial locks, such as those supplied by CDF Distributors.

Our deadbolts and leverset locks look great on any door. They will withstand the demands of daily use and unconventional stressors, like those caused by a criminal that is trying to break in.  

4.  Do You Interact with Clients on Site?

Another key consideration is whether you interact with clients on-site or not. If you do not, then your door choice should be focused on function. A solid door with a glass kit serves as an excellent middle-ground option for your building. Employees will still be able to see outside without compromising the integrity of the door.

However, if you do see clients on-site, aesthetics are key. As noted above, setting a great first impression is vital. A glass office door is an excellent way of doing just that. Your clients are more likely to view the facility as welcoming or inviting if it is equipped with glass doors. 

5.  How Important is Natural Lighting?

Chances are that you may not have given much thought to the amount of natural lighting in your facility. Don’t worry -- many business owners overlook this surprisingly important factor.

Natural lighting is useful for creating a welcoming and positive work environment. Even if you do not meet with clients on-site, natural lighting is important. Many employees appreciate an office design that provides natural lighting and a view outside.

By using the information above, you can find the perfect door solutions for your office. Still not sure which option is best? Simply contact the experts at CDF Distributors. We can guide you on your journey to create an ideal office environment.







May 25, 2021
Wayne Foreman
