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As hurricanes become increasingly common in many parts of the world, it's important for businesses to be prepared and have adequate protection in place to safeguard their property and employees. One of the most important measures a business can take to protect against is hurricane damage. In this blog post, we'll explore real-life examples of businesses that had hurricane-rated doors in place during a storm and how those doors helped protect their property and employees.

Hurricane Katrina and the Louisiana Superdome

Hurricane Katrina tested the Louisiana Superdome in 2005. The dome's doors protected it from flooding and debris. These doors with reinforced glass and steel framing prevented significant damage and protected thousands of people.

Miami International Airport

In 2017, Hurricane Irma made landfall in Florida, causing widespread damage and power outages throughout the state. Miami International Airport kept doors open during the storm with hurricane-rated doors. Doors protected the airport's infrastructure and prevented water damage. Businesses use these doors to protect against storm damage and ensure continuity.

The University of Miami

University of Miami installed doors campus-wide after Hurricane Andrew in 1992. During Hurricane Irma in 2017, these doors withstood 140 mph winds, preventing significant damage. Doors had reinforced glass and steel frames, helping minimize storm damage and enabling quick recovery.

Other Success Stories

While these are widely publicized, many other businesses benefit from installing these doors.

For example:

As these real-life examples demonstrate, hurricane-rated doors can be a critical component of a business's disaster preparedness plan. Installing these doors protects property and employees from hurricanes, minimizing damage, downtime, and ensuring business continuity. If you're a business owner in a hurricane prone area, contact CDF Distributors for more information or to order today.
