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People who live in hurricane zones know there are really only two seasons: Hurricane season and time to get ready for hurricane season. Of course, there’s plenty of time for enjoying life in the beautiful coastal communities where hurricanes are most common. But there’s no doubt that preparation is crucial for surviving one of nature’s most destructive forces. Fortifying your home or business is part of that preparation.

The Atlantic hurricane season runs from June 1 through November 30 annually. Those six months can seem like an eternity for coastal residents as they anxiously await news of potentially disastrous storms coming their way. 

People who live in hurricane zones love their communities, their businesses, and their homes, and they will often do whatever they can to keep them safe. That includes installing doors that are built to withstand harsh conditions.

What is a Hurricane Door?

Hurricane impact doors are engineered to withstand the pressure of hurricane-force winds. Miami-Dade certified hurricane doors are made to meet or exceed the standards of pressure testing as set by the county. Typically, commercial hurricane doors are available in both 65 PSF (moderate wind speed) and 75 PSF (very high wind) forms.  

Because they are intended to be installed in a variety of public buildings, commercial hurricane doors should be available for framing in concrete, wood, block and metal stud walls. For convenience and ease of installation, many business owners opt to purchase a complete door package.

Both residential and commercial hurricane doors are secure and designed to function just like normal doors. There are no complicated locking systems to worry about. A variety of finishes and styles, with or without glass, are available for these doors, too. 

The Benefits of a Hurricane Door

There’s no denying that commercial hurricane doors are an added expense. The superior construction and high-quality materials do come with a higher price tag than a commercial wood door.  

With all they have to withstand, it’s understandable that some business owners may question whether it’s worth spending the extra money for that big storm that may never come. However, there are a host of other benefits that come with installing a hurricane door on your commercial building.

Let’s take a look at some of the top benefits of these hardy hurricane doors.

Energy Efficiency

The superb insulation of a hurricane door is designed in part to absorb the pressure of high winds pressing down from the roof, as well as horizontal winds hitting the door directly. 

This insulation also works to prevent conditioned or warmed air from leaking out. This added feature can work to reduce energy bills and help to stabilize temperatures inside of your building. Depending on the contents of your building, this feature could also help to protect inventory.

Increased Security

Let’s face it, if a hurricane can’t get past your door, chances are slim that anything else can. 

In order to withstand high winds and debris, hurricane doors are installed with a reinforced frame, making them extremely difficult to knock down. Any glass panels in the door are durable and almost impossible to break. Anyone trying to break into a hurricane impact door will no doubt give up and find an easier target.

Noise Reduction

An unexpected benefit of a hurricane door is peace and quiet. This feature is especially appreciated by business owners in noisy commercial centers or high-traffic areas. Thanks to the added insulation, hurricane doors do a great job of blocking sound.

Peace of Mind

How much is your peace of mind worth? Even the best door on the market can’t guarantee that your building will withstand a major hurricane. But if that big storm ever does come, you’ll know you’ve done everything you can to protect your building, its contents, and most importantly, the employees and customers inside.

Insurance Discounts

In some cases, making wind mitigation improvements can lower insurance premiums. While there’s no guarantee that these discounts will apply to your place of business, be sure to consult with your insurance provider if you decide to upgrade to a commercial hurricane door or take any other measures to protect your property from storm damage.

Learn More about Hurricane Doors

If you've been considering installing a hurricane impact door on your home or commercial property, we recommend starting your project as soon as possible. No matter what time of year it is, hurricane season is around the corner. 

To make the job easier, visit CDF Distributors for a free quote. We can even help with project planning for your new hurricane impact doors.








May 10, 2021
Wayne Foreman




May 10, 2021
Wayne Foreman
