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In every business, school, or other organization building, there is a feature that often goes unnoticed: the commercial steel doors within it.

While not many people spend much time thinking about it, these steel doors can be the difference in the tenants escaping safely or not in a time of crisis.

Because of that, you'll want to heavily consider the factors of any steel door manufacturer that you're buying from.

Some prioritize safety, while others just go for the lowest price point. You'll be missing out on some crucial features if you do business with the latter.

Here is everything you need to know about commercial steel doors during your search.

There's One for Your Every Need

When most people think of commercial steel doors they often think about the stereotypical two-doors with the push open handles. 

Because of that, there's a misconception that if your doorway doesn't fit that need, then steel doors aren't an option for you. Not the case at all! In fact, there's a steel door for almost any doorway.

If you need double doors for an aesthetically-pleasing way of getting in and out of the building, then a commercial storefront glass door can be a tremendous fit.

Should you require double doors inside the building but also need continuous airflow, then a double door with louvers would fit quite nicely.

Anytime you need a door option for your place of business, a steel door should be your first consideration. Odds are, there's a perfect-sized door waiting to serve you for years to come.

High Return on Investment

It's understandable that you're hesitant to spend much money on the doors for your business building. After all, you have several other things to invest in as well.

However, why pay for a door that you'll just have to replace in a few years? Where's the monetary sense in doing that?

Instead, invest in beautiful-yet-heavy-duty steel doors that are tailored to the needs you have at each area of the building. Get some steel glass doors for your entryway,  single steel doors with glass kits for each room to get things started.

Both meet the need for optimal security, airflow, and professional aesthetic for your business. 

The best part? Once you invest in them, you won't need to pay for their replacement for at least 30 years.

Save yourself a headache a few years down the line and install steel doors that will guard your building for decades to come.


To ensure that your new steel doors fit your exact needs and specifications, we here at CDF distributors offer a bevy of custom options for each model we sell.

For example, if you need a single metal door, you won't just have to purchase one and hope it fits. We're way more exhaustive in our efforts to make sure you won't suffer a setback during installation.

On our website, you would choose a single metal door and be asked a series of specific questions to ensure the right fit. After selecting a single metal door you'll specify whether it's for interior or exterior use.

Then you'll answer things such as your preferred door handle, door handle measurements, door key preference, door width and height, etc.

We'll also let you know which options and specifications are least expensive, most popular, best for your needs, and which are always in stock.

You more than likely have an ideal date of when these doors will be fully installed and ready to go. Rest assured, we'll meet that deadline, possibly marking the end of your concerns for as long as you own the building.

Fire Rated Needs

Commercial steel doors provide crucial fire safety for you and your tenants, making them a valuable choice.

Did you know that there were almost 500,000 building fires in 2018? Accidents happen every day, you need to make sure everyone is protected if it happens to you.

Steel doors help the cause by being fire-rated to control the spread of the fire for a certain amount of time. That helps keep it at bay until firefighters arrive.

Choose steel doors with specific time ratings for peace of mind at the right price.

We make every client verify their choice of fire rated (or non-rated) doors before the finalization of their purchase. Our steel doors offer maximum protection, ensuring your safety even if that feature becomes necessary.

Everyday Usage

Your building's doors must withstand daily use and endure over time.

Commercial steel doors endure the modern hustle and bustle, designed for the busiest workplaces.

Security, durability, and sleek design... what more could you ask for in the ideal doorways for your building?

Find Your Optimal Commercial Steel Doors Today!

Now that you've seen the benefits of commercial steel doors, it's time to find the ones you need.

Be sure to read this article on the uncommon facts of steel doors for more information on the lesser-known benefits they come with.

For more inquiries, start off the process with a free quote and we'll be happy to assist you further!









September 8, 2022
Wayne Foreman
