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Locking commercial glass door

As a commercial property owner, you're responsible for the security of your company. Depending on your business type, you may have to protect people, data, and other valuable assets. Let's talk about security tips for commercial storefront doors.
This responsibility is enough to cause stress, especially if your storefront doors aren't secure. Securing your commercial storefront doors is the best way to start protecting your business.

Why Commercial Door Security Is Important

Commercial door security is an essential part of every business. The primary goal is to keep your business safe, but security measures bring other benefits to your business.
A secure commercial door does the following:

When your commercial door is secure, it enhances the overall security of your business and makes your employees feel safe at work.

Tips for Securing Your Commercial Storefront Doors

Simple precautions can be effective in protecting you against theft and keeping your assets right where they belong. Here are some tips for keeping your commercial storefront doors safe and secure.

1. Ensure All Doors Have a Lock

The number one thing you can do to protect your commercial property is to ensure the door is locked. You should also include areas that are not the main entrance into your business because you never know what someone may try when they see a door isn't locked.

Use a Deadbolt

A deadbolt is a type of lock that creates a more significant challenge for anyone attempting to pick it. This style of lock is effective at discouraging potential burglars because they know the amount of effort it requires to open a door with a deadbolt.

2. Hire a Professional for Repairs

When there is an issue with your commercial door, you may want to attempt to repair it yourself. However, when you lack the training and skills to complete these repairs adequately, you can cause more damage.
Only a trained professional should attempt to repair parts or pieces of the door. Professionals have the knowledge and industry tools to complete the repairs correctly.

3. Perform Regular Maintenance

Many people forget that their commercial doors need maintenance. Hinges require lubrication, and latches should remain securely attached. A professional door technician can inspect these items and alert you to any safety or mechanical issues that could lead to a security threat or other emergency.

4. Train Your Employees

You must train employees on proper use after installation regardless of your commercial door style. Educate them on the dangers of a commercial door that gets misused.
Each employee must understand how to properly secure these doors to protect your business after hours or in an emergency. Ensure that each person understands the locking mechanism and has access to the necessary keys or codes to lock up.

5. Limit Access

If you own a large business, consider restricting access to employees who do not need to go beyond particular doors. For example, individuals who work for a school or government entity don't need access to every part of the building.
Limiting access to designated areas will prevent security issues. Consider using cameras to monitor restricted areas to ensure unauthorized individuals are not entering these locations.

6. Be Alert

When you open and close the door, pay attention to its noises. Any creaking or other abnormal sound requires the attention of a professional. You'll also want to keep an eye on the locking or closing mechanism. When these don't latch or stay shut, it creates an immediate security issue requiring professional repair.

7. Keep Doors Locked While You're Gone

As a business owner, you likely won't be at your commercial property 24/7. Whether running errands or closing up shop for the night, it can be easy to forget to lock the doors. But this creates the most significant security risk of them all!
You must remember to close and lock your commercial storefront door properly every time you leave the property.
If necessary, post a sign near the door to remind you or anyone else who may be responsible for locking the door. Stress the importance of locking up each night at the close of business.

Keeping Your Commercial Storefront Secure

With the help of these tips and the professionals from CDF Distributors, you can learn many security tips for commercial storefront doors. Call us today to learn more about the commercial door services we provide!









August 25, 2022
Wayne Foreman
